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Publications, Insights & News

Think like a Farmer Thumbnail

Think like a Farmer

How do farmers do it? It takes strong will and fierce dedication to give yourself a chance of being successful. Well….as investors we can relate to some degree as we have chosen a profession based on markets that have often been described as a “random walk”. That is precisely why we appreciated this list that was sent to us recently.

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Moneyball Thumbnail


The true story of Billy Beane sticking his neck out to manage the Oakland A’s in a way never seen before is inspiring and thought provoking. There are a few Moneyball concepts that we are leaning on today to position ourselves in this challenging environment.

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Is this Normal?  Thumbnail

Is this Normal?

There are a lot of parallels between his humbling experience and the market experience so far in 2022. At the time of writing this blog we are almost three quarters through 2022 and it has proven to be a difficult year. That said, we are still within the boundaries of what we would put in the category of “normal"...

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